37th International Symposium on Pediatric Surgical Research
Speakers’ Instructions
File format should be ppt – 16:9 (films 1920*1080)
-name your presentation file as: the day of your presentation, start of the session, session number and your name. E.g. “Fri_08:30_Session 2_Smith_Allison”
– if the presentation contains movies or fonts (which are not standard fonts), these should be placed in the same folder as your presentation
Bring your presentation on a usb to the conference technician. Preferably no later than the break before your session starts. Please note, we will only use the conference´s computer, no other computers are allowed.
The time allocated for your presentation is indicated in the program
Contact us
Conference Secretariat: Academic Conferences
Email: ISPSR2024@akademikonferens.se
Phone: +46 18 67 10 34 or +46 18 67 10 03